SG Homecare offers a wide variety of the highest quality Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies for our patients across California. Our large selection of Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies includes but are not limited to Patient Room Home Equipment, including beds, lifts and bathroom safety products; Mobility Assistance, including custom, powered and manual wheelchairs; Respiratory Therapies and Oxygen; Home Therapy Equipment including negative pressure wound therapy and lymphedema pumps; Orthotics and Prosthetics; comfort aid products and much more…
The team at SG Homecare prides ourselves on being “people helping people”. We work hand-in-hand with patients' doctors and insurance plans to determine all the requirements that help us identify the right products for the patient's individual needs. We strive to provide safe and easy-to-use products for our patients. Our skilled Patient Service Technicians work with our patients to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of their equipment and to answer whatever questions or concerns they might have 24/7.
We are committed to providing the highest quality of Durable Medical Equipment products, and are continually expanding the selection of products that we have available for our patients.

Home Equipment
- Bathroom Safety
- Hospital Beds
- Homecare Beds
- Bed Accessories
- Patient Lifts
- Pressure Reducing Mattresses and Overlays
- Trapeze Bars
- Non-Powered Stand Assist
- Foam Positioning
- I.V. Equipment
- Blood Pressure Monitors
- Blood Glucose Monitors
- Homecare Room Accessories

Mobility Assistance
- Canes
- Crutches
- Walkers
- Rollators
- Wheelchairs– Custom, Power and Manual
- Wheelchair Accessories
- Mobility Accessories

Respiratory Therapy
- Apnea Monitors
- Cough Assist
- PAP Therapy– CPAP BiPap, 5 day Auto Titration
- Respiratory Accessories
- Nebulizers
- Oximeters
- Suction Unit
- Tracheostomy Equipment and Supplies
- Ventilators
- Concentrators
- Home fill units
- Liquid Oxygen
- Portable Systems
- Oxygen Accessories

Home Therapy Equipment
- Lymphedema Pumps
- Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
- Continuous Passive Motion (CPM)
- Tens Unit

Orthotics & Prosthetic
- Braces
- Cervical Traction Sets
- Slings

- Breast Pumps
- Bili Blankets
- Diabetic Shoes
- Immobilization Equipment
How SG Can Help You

Providing quality care is not just
a 9-5 job, it's a 24/7 commitment.
You can count on us to answer the phones 24/7!
Our employees are always ready to help the patients anytime.
You will never get an answering service.